Summer Break Activities for Kids During COVID-19

Pool days, playdates, popsicles, and camp games: these are only a few hallmarks of a typical summer for kids. But as many of us are being forced to accept, summer this year is going to be considerably different from previous ones with coronavirus cases spiking in many countries. Between working parents and bored children at home, how will we keep kids entertained?

Working from home as a parent has come with its own set of challenges — from setting up a quiet workspace to tackling your individual responsibilities, to also serving as a part-time tutor for your child. But with summer break just getting started, kids are going to have much more free time even if we are not. With so many things closed and social distancing still an important part of daily life, how do we keep kids occupied while we get work done? We’ve come up with a list of ways to get prepared to make sure kids still get a fun summer experience, and things can run a little smoother for us as parents!

Preparing for Summer

1. Organize your work/play space.

Take the weekend to organize your space. With everyone at home, it’s helpful to set boundaries between work and play. Take time to create a workspace that makes you feel productive and help your child create a fun play area for themselves. Set up a fun area for arts and crafts, music, or toys depending on how old your child is and what they like to do. Worried about supervising your child while on a meeting or completing a particularly important task? Ask a family a member or friend to video call with your child and help them feel more connected.

creative home office

2. Revisit your bookshelf and toy cabinet.

Re-discover old books and toys you forgot you had! Kids complaining about being bored or not having anything to do? Have them go through old toys and challenge them to give them a whole new purpose.  Sometimes the best toys are the ones you already have. Even the process of reorganizing can be fun for kids and they rediscover old favorites and set them up in a fun way. Check out these 25 different ways to repurpose old toys.

toy box

3. Bring the beach to the backyard.

Can’t make it to the pool or beach? Set up lawn chairs, water toys, and a picnic in the backyard! Kids can get messy with fun water games in the backyard using a hose or sprinklers. Make home a little oasis for summertime excitement. Get creative and set up an obstacle course with items from around the house, or pitch a tent and pretend like you are camping! The key to avoiding boredom this summer is getting crafty and being resourceful with what you already have. With a little imagination, kids can discover new games and activities in their own backyard.

playing in the backyard

4. Start a fun playlist.

Let kids pick the soundtrack to their summer. Help them create their own playlist with Spotify, Alexa, Youtube, etc. so they can listen to their favorite music while they play. Kids will enjoy singing and dancing along to the music they love, and it’s sure to be a mood booster for any activity.

kids listening to music

5. Teach your child a new language.

Consider introducing your child to a new language. With so much free time, this is the perfect opportunity to learn. Kids will enjoy experimenting with new sounds, words, and songs. As a young child not only does it enhance their social-emotional skills, but it’s also great for their cognitive development. With so many resources online, it’s easier than ever before to start learning. If you’re looking for a great language learning app, try Shoonya Kids. Offered in nine different languages, the app is fun, engaging, and designed just from a kid’s perspective! Learn more about Shoonya apps. They’ll start learning in no time.

learning a language

We hope these ideas gave you some inspiration on how to make summers at home fun and exciting for kids during this pandemic! We know how hard it is to work and parent from home, so we plan on releasing more content on summer fun for kids with creative activities, play ideas, and more.

What are you most excited for this summer? Let us know in the comments below 😊

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