Teaching Children Hindi Consonants
If you’re looking for resources to help your child learn and practice the Hindi alphabet, you’ve come to the right place! Read on to learn more about consonants in the Hindi alphabet and don’t forget to download the free printables for more practice at home! When learning the alphabet, consonants make up the majority of that learning time. So, they’re taught right after Hindi vowels. Read on for more information and resources to help your child start learning today.

What are Hindi consonants?
Consonant sounds are produced when air is partially or completely restricted in the vocal tract during speech. Read on to learn more about Hindi consonants, also known as Vaynhan (व्यंजन), and find free resources like printables and consonant charts!
How many Hindi consonants are there?
The standard Hindi alphabet has 11 vowels and 35 consonants, as agreed by the Government of India. However, traditionally the Hindi alphabet has 13 vowels and 33 consonants. There are also 4 combined consonants and 2 binary consonants.
33 Consonants
क, ख, ग, घ, ड़, च, छ, ज, झ, ञ, ट, ठ, ड, ढ, ण, त, थ,
द, ध, न, प, फ, ब, भ, म, य, र, ल, व, श, ष, स, ह
4 Combined consonants
क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ, श्र
2 Binary consonants
ड़ ढ़.
Combined consonants
The four combined consonants in the Hindi are क्ष, त्र, ज्ञ, श्र. These are called conjuncts and they are the combination of two sounds.
Binary consonants
The two binary consonants in the Hindi are – ड़ (RA) and ढ़ (RHA).
ड़ and ढ़ are similar to ‘ड’ and ‘ढ’ but they are pronounced with retroflex. Retroflex is when a consonant sound is produced with the tip of the tongue curled back toward the hard palate. When the tongue rolls back and flips against the roof of the mouth it creates the sounds ड़ (RA) and ढ़ (RHA). See below for more pronunciation guidelines for these binary consonants.
“ड़” (RA) is pronounced as “d” as in divide and “ड़” is a tongue-flap sound – laRAkii (लड़की)
“ढ़” (RHA) is a tongue-flap sound as in paRHAna (पढ़ना)
Note that ड़ and ढ़ do not come at the beginning of a word.

Free resources to help read and write Hindi consonants.
A great way to reinforce letter recognition is through tracing. Practice writing Hindi consonants with a free Hindi Consonant Printable packet.
Use a handy Hindi consonant chart like the one below for quick reference on pronunciation.
Downloadable Hindi consonants charts
Consonant sounds are produced when air is partially or completely restricted in the vocal tract during speech. Read on to learn more about Hindi consonants, also known as Vaynhan (व्यंजन), and find free resources like printables and consonant charts!

An interactive app for children to learn Hindi!
How do you say Hindi consonants in English?
Let’s take a look at each of the 33 regular consonants in Hindi. Below, you can see what each one looks like, along with a link to a short clip so you can hear it being used.
Our mission with Shoonya Kids is to make learning Hindi fun for children. Check out the app to see unique videos for letter practice or use the characters below to explore some of our fun animations! Each Hindi letter and its association is uniquely designed and created into a cartoon character. Every character is dressed from either a state of India or represents a cultural trivia about India. Through fun animations, interactive tracing tutorials and puzzles, children get a chance to learn the language and the Indian culture.
Make sure you repeat each one out loud as you practice with your child!
Nga is a nasalized sound and words to not start with this letter. Pronunciation is similar to how the letters “UN” are pronounced in the words Stung, and Junk.
Ulluu (owl)
Upahaar (gift)
Ungali (finger)
shra / shram
This is a conjunct. It is pronounced with the combination of “g” and “y’ sounds. Similar to the english words Shrivel and Shrink.
Shriimaan (mister)
Shriimatii (madam)
Shriikhand (indian sweet)
What People Are Saying About Shoonya
Parents and educators alike are loving Shoonya Kids!
“The bright colors, beautiful graphics, and funny animations really make this app stand out! You can tell there was a lot of thought put into every element and we especially loved the peacock and building characters in the rewards center! Super glad to have found this in time for summer.”

“As the director of multilingual education, I know the research is clear about the many additional benefits to the exposure of a bilingual education in early childhood. These include increased problem-solving abilities, better working memory and improved capacity for abstract thinking, among other benefits. Having the opportunity to experience the multilingual Shoonya app will contribute to the benefits and will also expand our students’ multicultural awareness and stimulate their curiosity about other parts of the world. We are excited to get started with Shoonya!”

Marisol Guillen
Senior Director, Multilingual Education Hueneme Elementary School District
“I love Shoonya Kids because it is so dynamic, it is game-based, it provides social interaction, kids can see themselves in it, its equitable, and it’s fun!
The kids are interacting with the game based platform and they can move from language to language - and that’s awesome!”

Dr. Barbara Flores
Former President, CABE
Frequently Asked Questions About Hindi Learning for kids
To make sure you have all the information you need to help your child learn Hindi, we’ve covered all of the most frequently asked questions we get on the topic.
Still have questions? Get in touch with our friendly team today, we’d love to help!

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